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Data Sorting

In everyday life, people use algorithms to accomplish tasks, and this is no different when it comes to computing. Algorithms are just a sequence of steps that are followed to accomplish an assignment (Lysecky et al., 2015).  One of the most important things that are done when it comes to computing is storing data as well as sorting this data and then being able to retrieve that data. There are various ways of sorting through data if that is necessary. There are also various ways to retrieve the data that is stored by using different algorithms. Depending on the amount of data and the type of data that is being sorted there are different methods that are better than others. When sorting the data, one must decide if the data is going to be sorted in ascending order or descending order and there are algorithms that programmers use most often when writing programmers. One of the first sorting algorithms is the linear search algorithm which searches elements in an array one by one in a line
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